MTSS Implementation and Resources

What is MTSS?

A Multi-Tiered System of Support is an evidence-based system grounded in the American School Counselor Association's (ASCA) mindsets, behaviors, and professional standards schools utilize in creating a comprehensive school counseling program. Its components create systemic change, time for effective collaboration, a safe place for advocacy, and leadership opportunities. Refer to the videos below to learn more about the basics of MTSS, Needs Assessments, and Universal Screeners.  

Who is on an MTSS Team?

Members may include but are not limited to: administrators, teachers, school counselors, psychologists, social workers, deans, special education teachers, and grade-level/ department representatives. The idea is to have many members with diverse strengths and skills to contribute to providing the best services to all students. 

This team should meet bi-weekly or monthly and prioritize specific topics depending on the time of the year. Teams can prioritize by keeping detailed notes and organizing meeting discussions. 

What are their roles?

Team members can provide information by identifying why students are struggling, coming up with solutions and interventions that support students' needs, and intentionally monitoring students' progress by collaborating effectively.  

MTSS Meetings

Video Resources

MTSS Basics

Comprised of three tiers.

  • Tier 1 consists of direct and indirect services for ALL students.

  • Tier 2 consists of direct and indirect services for SOME students.

  • Tier 3 consists of direct and indirect services for a FEW students.

Using this system allows the school to reach all students and provide the necessary supports and services.

Needs Assessments

Steps in Needs Assessment :

  1. Find gaps between current conditions  (what is) & desired conditions (what should be).

  2. Place these gaps or needs in order of priority.

  3. Implement strategies, practices, and evidence-based interventions aligned to needs.

  4. Target resources to address needs.

Universal Screeners

Universal screening assesses all students to identify individuals at risk or in need of more individualized support (Hughes & Dexter, 2008).

Universal screening data are used in two ways:

  • Determine if core instruction is sufficient for at least 80% of students.

  • Identify students who need additional support.

The video above and the information below include information about different universal screeners.

MTSS Resources