
Larry Williams



ParaPro Testing

ParaPro Test measures the skills and knowledge in reading, writing, and math of prospective and practicing paraprofessionals. It also measures their ability to apply those skills and knowledge when assisting in classroom instruction.

The test is for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals.

There are 90 multiple-choice questions, approximately two-thirds of which focus on basic skills and knowledge.

Test takers have 2 1/2 hours to complete the test. An average individual can usually finish in about 1 1/2 hours.

The Service Center administers the test on an individual basis - one at a time.

Cost for the test is $50.00 and REQUIRES that amount on a Debit or Credit Card. (NO CASH OR CHECKS)

There is a website for practice tests ( and enter "ParaPro")

If you are interested contact the Service Center and schedule.