Mary Barbour


Larry Williams

SpendBridge e-Procurement - Purchases are now being made through the SpendBridge e-Procurement system. In partnership with the Indiana Department of Administration, CIESC and ECESC have been meeting with school districts from around the state over the past several months. To date, six of the other eight Educational Service Centers (ESCs) are supporting the use of the system, and over 50 school districts have participated in informational meetings. Schools realize the purchasing advantage of statewide-negotiated contracts that are organized into convenient online catalogs and an all-in-one, easy-to-use website: click here

Regional ESCs, BPSLive, and the Indiana Department of Administration are working closely, with daily communications and weekly meetings, to stay updated on ESC and school requests in order to keep the purchasing system simplified and user-friendly. Contact Mary Barbour for more information and to get your school set up to use the Spendbridge e-procurement system.