Lead with Confidence in IEP Development! PAR training empowers staff to master the case conference process, develop student-centered IEPs, lead as problem-solvers in special education, and build skills to make a difference! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/8dwpmka
19 days ago, ECESC Communications
The IN Textbook Assn is bringing TWO Caravans to East Central IN. Choose your location and register your team to learn more about the vendor options on the IN High-Quality Curricular Materials list. Muncie: 1/30: https://shorturl.at/iFcHY ECESC: 2/11: https://shorturl.at/F1vUb
20 days ago, ECESC Communications
The 3E Grant has significantly impacted our career-connected districts! Listen as Andrew Kruer, Assistant Supt of South Madison Community School Corporation, discusses the vertical progression of career-focused opportunities at all learning levels. https://shorturl.at/BgHtS
21 days ago, ECESC Communications
We are grateful for the opportunity to host IDOE ILEARN Specialist Logan Miller and many of our member districts for today's ILEARN Checkpoint collaboration event. Thanks to Jason Slopsema and Jennifer Hudson-Roberts from Wes-Del Community Schools for sharing how they translate checkpoint assessment data into targeted student support!
21 days ago, ECESC Communications
Instructional coaching can be powerful, but implementation must be intentional, or much of its potential remains untapped. Join us for a PD experience designed for coaches and principals to strengthen the coaching culture in your school. Learn More: https://shorturl.at/Wa1JF
22 days ago, ECESC Communications
Have a Coach
ECESC proudly hosted the Wayne County Chamber today to tour our Forge Your Future -Student Experience classrooms. We are grateful to collaborate with our business and industry leaders!
22 days ago, ECESC Communications
Join experts from Smekens Edu & HMH on 2/20 for this FREE event to empower K-12 school leaders w/knowledge to strengthen writing instruction/achievement. Learn to leverage the Science of Writing to prepare students for success! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/dv26ewt
22 days ago, ECESC Communications
Lead with Confidence in IEP Development! PAR training empowers staff to master the case conference process, develop student-centered IEPs, lead as problem-solvers in special education, and build skills to make a difference! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/8dwpmka
22 days ago, ECESC Communications
Learn how to combine Generative AI w/ILEARN Checkpoint data to create differentiated, targeted lesson plans & develop ILEARN-formatted practice questions. Join this 1-hour virtual PD to learn how to save time & improve outcomes! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/q8hthp2
23 days ago, ECESC Communications
Our January Director’s Update hit inboxes last week. In case you missed it, you can view it here: https://conta.cc/4jfwXVX If you are not on our email list, click the button at the top of the update to join!
24 days ago, ECESC Communications
The IN Textbook Assoc. is bringing TWO Caravans to East Central IN. Choose your location and register your team to learn more about the vendor options on the IN High-Quality Curricular Materials list. Muncie: 1/30: https://shorturl.at/iFcHY ECESC: 2/11: https://shorturl.at/F1vUb
24 days ago, ECESC Communications
Unlock Success on the Digital PSAT/SAT 🎓 Join Bill Reed virtually on Jan. 22. to learn what’s assessed on the new Digital PSAT/SAT, strategies to boost scores, and how to motivate ALL students! Don’t miss this actionable session! https://shorturl.at/CYTBI
25 days ago, ECESC Communications
Today, we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of equality, service, and unity. His vision inspires us to serve our schools, educators, and students across Indiana. 💙
25 days ago, ECESC Communications
Are you looking for ways to improve student outcomes? Do you want to learn about ways to help with learning in ALL subjects for ALL students? Register for INcompass Learning’s "Increase Reading and Writing in Every Subject." https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/nqm8ckr
26 days ago, ECESC Communications
Lead with confidence in IEP development! PAR training empowers staff to: ✅ Master the case conference process ✅ Develop student-centered IEPs ✅ Lead as problem-solvers in special edu Build skills to make a difference! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/8dwpmka
27 days ago, ECESC Communications
ECESC welcomed educators to Sunnyside today for the “Close the Decoding Gap” PD session, presented by Lead Learners. Great day of engagement, with one attendee stating, “I feel much more confident now teaching decoding to upper elementary students with gaps in reading!”
28 days ago, ECESC Communications
You don’t have to be an English teacher to tap the hidden potential of writing to help students learn/engage in all subjects. Learn ways to position students to write instead of resist so they can deepen their understanding of subject matter. Register: https://shorturl.at/QjQ10
28 days ago, ECESC Communications
Special Ed. Teachers: Interested in saving time and increasing outcomes? Join us for a Lunch and Learn to hear about AI-centric tactics and strategies that will revolutionize the collection and analysis of progress monitoring data for students with IEPs. https://shorturl.at/LRjpq
28 days ago, ECESC Communications
Since wrapping up our 3E grant, we have been hearing about the amazing impact of this opportunity from our community-connected school districts. Check out this quote from Eastern Hancock Superintendent Dr. George Philhower! @gphilhower
29 days ago, ECESC Communications
Learn how to combine Generative AI with ILEARN Checkpoint data to create differentiated, targeted lesson plans, develop ILEARN-formatted practice questions, and save time. Join this one-hour virtual PD! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/q8hthp2
29 days ago, ECESC Communications